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Free Books

Jul 22nd

Understanding the eBook Evolution

Maybe you have seen offers for them on various websites. Maybe you attended a book fair and noticed some authors selling CD-ROMs alongside paperbacks. Maybe you sat next to somebody at a coffee shop as he read a document on his laptop or personal digital assistant. You might think such things are limited to business some other type of work, but the electronic book, or eBook, is fast becoming a mainstream industry. While eBooks may never achieve the popularity or demand of the printed word, eBook readership is definitely growing and will prove a viable form of media in the future.

What is an eBook?

Before one can delve into specifics about electronic publishing, it is important to note exactly what an eBook is and what purpose an eBook serves. Simply put, the term "electronic book" is self-explanatory: an eBook can be a novel, collection of stories and/or poetry, self-help manual, a treatise, or any document of book length. eBooks may be as short as five thousand words or well over a hundred thousand. Some eBooks may have illustrations and charts embedded within the pages, and others may prove to be more interactive and feature audio and/or video capability.

Some eBooks are registered with Books in Print and made available as downloadable files or on CD-ROMs. Some eBook publishers assign ISBN numbers to their titles, while others may register the works with the US Copyright Office. Many publishers consider eBook production a subsidiary right in their contracts, and may option those rights from an author during negotiations.

The fundamental difference between an eBook and a print book, of course, is that the eBook is an electronic document devised to be read on a computer or special handheld device. eBooks are easy to produce and can be made available in a variety of formats, including but not limited to:

HTML – presented as a simple Web page

Adobe PDF – presented to look like an actual document onscreen, read with Adobe Reader

Microsoft LIT – a special format for the Microsoft Reader and Pocket PC

Mobipocket (.PRC) – a special format compatible handheld PDAs like the Palm or old Handspring devices.

EXE – popular among non-fiction eBooks, this self-extracting format presents the book in a unique form that allows the reader to "turn pages"

However an eBook is produced, special reading software may be required to read the document. While a simple HTML document needs only a web browser, others with different extension may not open in certain readers. It is best to always check with a vendor before purchasing an eBook to make sure you can open the file.

What is the purpose of an eBook?

Electronic books are used for the same purposes as print books, namely for entertainment, business, or news.

Entertainment: these are generally novels and short story/poetry collections. Such eBooks are primarily found through specific websites by top NYC publishers that offer electronic downloads, or through smaller publishers who offer books in electronic and print on demand formats. eBooks from smaller companies may be priced according to length and genre, from two dollars to as high as eight for longer works. eBooks from established publishers may cost more, priced to match their print companions. Popular genres for leisure reads in electronic format include romance, science fiction, and erotica.

Works in the public domain, including novels from the nineteenth century, may be presented in eBook format to download for free. The Gutenberg Library online houses thousands of such works for personal and educational use.

Business: Look around the Internet and you may find a number of sales websites offering eBooks that reveal "secrets to success." Online entrepreneurs use the eBook format for its simplicity and low-cost production to market ideas and products to customers. In this realm you may find books on how to open a successful online business or how to lose weight. Books of this sort may be distributed free to attract return business or may be sold for as much as thirty dollars for a self-extracting document.

News: Companies or organizations may employ the eBook format to distribute white papers or other important documents. Government reports, business trends, and other information in the public domain may be available in this format.

How are eBooks distributed?

The most common forms of eBook distribution are through the individual publisher's website and third-party retailers.

The Publisher: Whether it is an established NYC house, a small eBook press or a self-publishing author, chances are high there is a website created to tout the book. A quick Internet search for eBook publishers will land many leads. Such websites offer either immediate download of an eBook through a weblink, or delivery via e-mail as an attachment. Other publishers may burn eBooks to CD-ROM and ship them to customers.

The Third-Party Store: Online retailers like Amazon.com, BN.com, and Fictionwise are good examples of eBook retailers. Such sites offer eBooks for immediate download and may even keep your information on account and make recommendations on future purchases. Such retailers, like eBook publishers, will accept payment through electronic transfer to expedite the sale.

The Future of eBooks

Given the ease of production and distribution, it is likely eBooks may become an important medium in the future. As technology evolves and reading devices become more sophisticated, sales of eBook fiction may rise in the years to come. Handheld eBook readers have the advantage of being able to store several books at once, and offer backlighting for reading in dark places. Cost prohibition on devices and certain eBooks may be the only factor preventing a boom right now, but in time as prices become competitive that may change.

For authors, eBook publication represents the opportunity to polish writing skills and test readership. For entrepreneurs, eBook publication offers a new avenue to product promotion and increasing sales. Whatever your plans for the eBook are, it can be said that electronic books are here to stay.

Understanding the eBook Evolution

Maybe you have seen offers for them on various websites. Maybe you attended a book fair and noticed some authors selling CD-ROMs alongside paperbacks. Maybe you sat next to somebody at a coffee shop as he read a document on his laptop or personal digital assistant. You might think such things are limited to business some other type of work, but the electronic book, or eBook, is fast becoming a mainstream industry. While eBooks may never achieve the popularity or demand of the printed word, eBook readership is definitely growing and will prove a viable form of media in the future.

What is an eBook?

Before one can delve into specifics about electronic publishing, it is important to note exactly what an eBook is and what purpose an eBook serves. Simply put, the term "electronic book" is self-explanatory: an eBook can be a novel, collection of stories and/or poetry, self-help manual, a treatise, or any document of book length. eBooks may be as short as five thousand words or well over a hundred thousand. Some eBooks may have illustrations and charts embedded within the pages, and others may prove to be more interactive and feature audio and/or video capability.

Some eBooks are registered with Books in Print and made available as downloadable files or on CD-ROMs. Some eBook publishers assign ISBN numbers to their titles, while others may register the works with the US Copyright Office. Many publishers consider eBook production a subsidiary right in their contracts, and may option those rights from an author during negotiations.

The fundamental difference between an eBook and a print book, of course, is that the eBook is an electronic document devised to be read on a computer or special handheld device. eBooks are easy to produce and can be made available in a variety of formats, including but not limited to:

HTML – presented as a simple Web page

Adobe PDF – presented to look like an actual document onscreen, read with Adobe Reader

Microsoft LIT – a special format for the Microsoft Reader and Pocket PC

Mobipocket (.PRC) – a special format compatible handheld PDAs like the Palm or old Handspring devices.

EXE – popular among non-fiction eBooks, this self-extracting format presents the book in a unique form that allows the reader to "turn pages"

However an eBook is produced, special reading software may be required to read the document. While a simple HTML document needs only a web browser, others with different extension may not open in certain readers. It is best to always check with a vendor before purchasing an eBook to make sure you can open the file.

What is the purpose of an eBook?

Electronic books are used for the same purposes as print books, namely for entertainment, business, or news.

Entertainment: these are generally novels and short story/poetry collections. Such eBooks are primarily found through specific websites by top NYC publishers that offer electronic downloads, or through smaller publishers who offer books in electronic and print on demand formats. eBooks from smaller companies may be priced according to length and genre, from two dollars to as high as eight for longer works. eBooks from established publishers may cost more, priced to match their print companions. Popular genres for leisure reads in electronic format include romance, science fiction, and erotica.

Works in the public domain, including novels from the nineteenth century, may be presented in eBook format to download for free. The Gutenberg Library online houses thousands of such works for personal and educational use.

Business: Look around the Internet and you may find a number of sales websites offering eBooks that reveal "secrets to success." Online entrepreneurs use the eBook format for its simplicity and low-cost production to market ideas and products to customers. In this realm you may find books on how to open a successful online business or how to lose weight. Books of this sort may be distributed free to attract return business or may be sold for as much as thirty dollars for a self-extracting document.

News: Companies or organizations may employ the eBook format to distribute white papers or other important documents. Government reports, business trends, and other information in the public domain may be available in this format.

How are eBooks distributed?

The most common forms of eBook distribution are through the individual publisher's website and third-party retailers.

The Publisher: Whether it is an established NYC house, a small eBook press or a self-publishing author, chances are high there is a website created to tout the book. A quick Internet search for eBook publishers will land many leads. Such websites offer either immediate download of an eBook through a weblink, or delivery via e-mail as an attachment. Other publishers may burn eBooks to CD-ROM and ship them to customers.

The Third-Party Store: Online retailers like Amazon.com, BN.com, and Fictionwise are good examples of eBook retailers. Such sites offer eBooks for immediate download and may even keep your information on account and make recommendations on future purchases. Such retailers, like eBook publishers, will accept payment through electronic transfer to expedite the sale.

The Future of eBooks

Given the ease of production and distribution, it is likely eBooks may become an important medium in the future. As technology evolves and reading devices become more sophisticated, sales of eBook fiction may rise in the years to come. Handheld eBook readers have the advantage of being able to store several books at once, and offer backlighting for reading in dark places. Cost prohibition on devices and certain eBooks may be the only factor preventing a boom right now, but in time as prices become competitive that may change.

For authors, eBook publication represents the opportunity to polish writing skills and test readership. For entrepreneurs, eBook publication offers a new avenue to product promotion and increasing sales. Whatever your plans for the eBook are, it can be said that electronic books are here to stay.

Water For Gas Ebook Review - Hydrogen Car Kits To Run Your Car With Water

Are you looking to get your own hydrogen car kits, so that you can power your car on water? Such a conversion has been proven to increase gas mileage by up to 50%, and it is no wonder why many people want to make this conversion. Although you still cannot have a car running fully on water, you can run your car on a mixture of water and gasoline now.

1. How Does This Technology Work?

Your car can be converted to run partly on water by acquiring Brown Gas (HHO) from water. Your car will be able to do this if you install a system that allows it to electrolyze the water. You may have already seen it in the news about cars running on water on the roads, specifically from Fox News. The man, who managed to accomplish this, has also used the same hydrogen technology to make high temperature welding gear.

With the recent sharp increase in the prices of oil and diesel, the demand for alternative fuel sources, especially one as convenient as water, has spiked significantly. Hydrogen power technology should become more and more common over the coming years.

2. Is This Technology Worth It?

There are hydrogen car kits being sold on popular auction sites and various companies. They are mostly being sold for hundreds of dollars, which is too high in my opinion and would be out of reach for the average person. If possible, I would highly recommend you to download a guide that teaches you how to assemble this system yourself for less than $100.

3. Why Should You Power Your Car With Hydrogen?

By running your car with hydrogen from water, your car engine will be able to run cooler, thus improving its engine life and power. Drivers who have tried a hydrogen car system also notice that their engines are running quieter and smoother. Car emissions also become cleaner, while also increasing gas mileage.

4. What Does This System Require?

Most of the parts required to build your own hydrogen car system are parts that can easily found. They include a vacuum hose, a container like a canning jar, an inline fuse from an automotive store, some electric wiring and some baking soda.

Overall, it is an easy system for any driver to build. Having this hydrogen system allows you to save fuel, improve gas mileage, and ultimately, save $1,000s of dollars each month on fuel costs.

Ebay and Ebooks - Now You Have No Excuse To Wait

The hardest thing to do, when thinking about making a living online is to actually get started. Two factors that seem to hold many aspiring marketers back are the perceptions that it is hard to get started and it is expensive to get started. I will show you that selling ebooks on eBay solves both of those problems and makes it possible for you to get started right now.

To begin an online business, first you need a product. Ebooks are a good choice as a product. First of all, if you don't want to spend any money, you can write one yourself. It's just a matter of writing down some information that you know, that others will pay to learn.

If you choose not to start out by writing your own, there are many ebooks available for resale. It is the same process used by retail stores everywhere. The store needs to sell merchandise, therefore it must purchase that merchandise from a manufacturer or a distributor in order to sell the product to the public. The store then sells the item that was bought from the distributor to the public at a higher price than it was purchased for. That is the normal distribution cycle.

The ebook business is no different. There are wholesalers on the internet that can sell any group or groups of ebooks you may want to buy. The good news is, they are all at bargain prices. The better news is, once you invest in them, you will never have to invest in it again. That not only eliminates the problem of expense at the start up, but also makes it so you never have to worry about the expense of buying more product.

Ebook packages can easily be purchased online, even on eBay. That means in addition to busting the initial cost problem, the perceived difficulty of getting a product has also been busted.

Once you buy or create your ebooks, you need to sell them. This is the area where again, many would be internet marketers run into a wall. They believe that they need a whole complicated website set up to sell anything on the internet. They are again, intimidated by the difficulty and expense of such an endeavor.

Once again there is a simple answer. Sell them on eBay. EBay is the largest marketplace in the world. That means that this auction site attracts the largest number of customers of anyplace in the world. What better place to reach a target audience!

EBay is also one of the easiest places on the web to set up an item to be sold. You don't need your own website. The process can be started by using some fill in the blank forms right on eBay. You can literally be up and selling an item in minutes. No difficulty at all.

There is no initial cost to set up an eBay account. There is no initial cost to start an online auction. The only fees are some small insertion fees and a small sales fee if your book sells. Literally no expense.

The two biggest problems that keep you from starting your own online business are difficulty and expense. You have seen that starting an ebook business on eBay is easy and is very inexpensive. You should realize now, that the two problems that were holding you back have been eliminated by deciding to sell ebooks on eBay. Now it's time to get started.

To find out how you can successfully sell information products using eBay and the internet talk with Ray Johnson - Google.com No.1 Ranked eSeller:

Guess Who Will Buy Ebooks Online?

A vast, global, growing marketplace has opened up with the explosive growth of the Internet. And this hungry market is full of people who buy stuff... especially information products. Ebooks are the most frequently sold form of information product.

Who will buy ebooks online? Just about anyone who has a computer and Internet access is a prospect who may buy ebooks online. The frequency, budget and topic area of such purchases may vary, but ebook sales are exploding with the advent of new technology and the entry of new consumers into the market.

There are a few specific categories of people who buy ebooks online that you as an infopreneur need to address specifically, and personalize your marketing communications for.

Students Buy Ebooks Online

Students in college, post-graduate courses or even those studying specific vocational courses buy ebooks. Surprising enough, even students of other topics like guitar playing, chess, golfing and swimming buy ebooks - to teach them how to play, learn or work more efficiently.

Retirees Buy Ebooks Online

They are doing it in increasing numbers. And the good news is that they have higher disposable incomes, and very specific needs not relevant to a broader market. By creating a line of infoproducts targeted at retirees, an infopreneur can make a fortune just from this market niche.

Business Owners Buy Ebooks Online

They often buy frequently and at a higher price than recreational readers. As long as the ebook teaches a way to enhance business, grow profits or avoid loss, there will be a market for it among business owners.

Professionals Buy Ebooks Online

The nature of ebooks professionals buy is more specialized, and relevant to their area of expertise. If you author books in this space, or can licence or hire out content of this type, you could target this narrow market - which often is used to spending higher amounts of money for valuable information.

Hobbyists Buy Ebooks Online

Though hobbyists usually buy low priced ebooks, they do it often and regularly making an infopreneur in this space a fair sized income over the lifetime of the customer. When writing for hobbyists, think about doing a series of ebooks that you can sell to them over a period, rather than a more expensive single course or report.

Service Providers Buy Ebooks Online

The kind of information they are interested in helps them grow their own business or attract new clients.

Infopreneurs Buy Ebooks Online

If you are not doing it already, start today. The strongest competitive advantage you have over everyone else is the knowledge and systems you possess. And to create systems you need to keep learning about newer developments, keep abreast of the latest advances and be in constant 'education mode'.

Buy ebooks online to get the newest, most up-to-date information. Attend seminars, coaching programs, get mentoring and do everything you can to learn enough to stay well ahead of the crowd. That is the key to massive success as an infopreneur.

Writing eBooks -11 Point Checklist for Writing Your Own Profit Making eBooks

Have you been wanting to create your own information products but find it hard getting started? A successful e-book creates powerful income if you do it right. I started selling my first e-book for only $10 but I quickly raised it up to $29.95 because I heard that most people under-price their products.

Today that same first product I created sells successfully at $97. Of course it has evolved into quite a different product since then. I have made a lot of money with all my e-books in the last 4 years. They pay the rent and all my other bills faithfully. Here are 11 points to help you get started making some decent money online creating your own e-books:

1.) Write About Something You Know About - Do you have a special hobby or a business that others would like to know about? If not, maybe a relative or a neighbor does. Study what other people are writing about online.

2.) e-Books That Show People How To Increase Their Income Are Popular. Before you create your product, make sure there is a market for it. I got lucky on my first book. I didn't look for a market. I just went on faith from the advice of another publisher. My first e-book has done well because it shows people how to make money.

3.) Tips Books Are The Easiest Products To write - an example would be "50 training tips for dog lovers, "99 profitable businesses to start for less than $500", "21 days to a newer you" etc. (I better shut up. I like that last title.)

4.) Write Your Sales Letter First - this helps shape your product to be what you want it to be and what you want it to accomplish. It is like building a blueprint first before building the go-cart. List all the benefits and features your e-book should have to deliver.

5.) Get An e-Book Compiler Like Adobe PDF, - as soon as I got my software I got excited about the money I could make with it.

6.) Use Digital Pictures To Enhance The Value - if you have a how-to type of book about a trade or a hobby, using your digital camera can greatly enhance your e-books' perceived value and the price. Plus it helps illustrate what your are teaching with the sharp color photos a digital camera can deliver.

7.) Give Your e-Book the Right Title - Just as a killer headline can increase your sales letters PULL, the right title for your book is just as important also for sales. Make that a Red-Hot title!

8.) Don't Over-Sell Your Book - don't over-promise or over-hype things in your sales letter just to sell your e-book or you may get too many people asking for refunds. It is better to over-deliver instead. Making it way better than they thought it would be will make them amazed.

9.) Find Related Follow Up Products For Your e-Book - find profitable "related" products or services that you can add to your book for more profits. Your readers will love the added information and you will love the extra sales.

10.) Enhance Your Product - offer an audio or video to the deal. Just as digital pictures add value to an ebook, so does adding an audio version of it or one or more videos to the package.

11.) Lace Your Products - in time you should have several e-books you are selling online. By adding information about all your other books in the back of each one of them gives you free advertising and extra orders.

So there you go. If you want to start creating your own e-books and marketing them online, it isn't that hard at all. Remember, tip books are the easiest way to start writing and creating your info-products. You can always format it without the tips once it is structured.

Numerous Advantages of Using eBooks

Look at the fantastic array of flexible options and facilities available in the electronic book form. An eBook is like any conventional book, but in electronic format. This electronic format makes it very different from the conventional printed books in terms of size, utility, price and its non-conventional adaptability. Let us see the benefits of eBooks that have made them so popular.

EBooks are easy to procure. You can download them from websites that sell eBooks using the link provided after making your payment. For eBooks, there is no need to go to a bookstore, wait in the line, or pay for shipping and transportation -- what to speak of the delivery time to order by mail!

One great advantage of eBooks is that they can be accessed from any part of the world. With an internet connection, you can purchase any eBook on any topic of your choice without moving from your chair. After downloading it, you no longer need internet access and the eBook can be read offline. You can store it on your desktop and read it later. If you want, you can also print it. Moreover, some eBooks in print form are quite economical as compared to the traditional hardcover or paperback copy.

EBooks are typically less expensive than conventional books. Moreover, there is no shipping or delivery charge to be paid as you download eBooks from a website or link. Many eBooks are also free. Many eBooks come with bonuses that are not available with conventional books.

EBooks require no space to store. You can keep literally hundreds of eBooks on your computer, depending upon its storage capacity. Moreover, they are portable, thus carrying even hundreds of eBooks on a CD or a laptop from one place to another is quite easy. You can travel light with any number of eBooks that you want. The number of eBooks does not create packing and transportation trouble like printed books. It is also much safer to transport eBooks, as there are no worries such as damage in transport due to water, rough handling, etc.

Most eBooks are provided with links to relevant websites, which are quite helpful to get more information on the same subject. Searching for any references in an eBook is easy and you only have to enter the right keywords. Learning from an eBook can be an interactive process since some eBooks are designed with audio, video, and graphics to make learning easier.

Once downloaded, eBooks can be customized. You can reformat them, change the font and point size as per your requirement. It is also possible to turn an eBook into an audio book with the help of additional software and hardware.

As no trees are cut to produce paper (as in the case of conventional books), eBooks are considered environment-friendly. EBooks also prove to be an effective marketing tool. You can distribute them freely as add-ons with your products to increase sales. The people who download an eBook might subscribe to the program provided in the eBook. This helps in marketing the programs and schemes you are promoting through such eBooks.

Therefore, eBooks are easy to procure, economical and require little handling. eBooks score very high in utility and benefits.